Uncovered: The Wonderful Little Suitcase Company

Uncovered: The Wonderful Little Suitcase Company

Now in its fourth year, the Opera House’s Uncovered program is a platform for local artists, makers, creators and artisans to showcase their artistic talent. It exists to support up-and-coming Australian makers by selling their products on the Opera House’s platforms. 

Founded by parents, Angela and Martin, The Wonderful Little Suitcase Company is a sustainable toy business that provides plenty of opportunity for little ones to play. Angela and Martin shared what inspired their business and the importance of playful learning for young children.



What is the inspiration behind The Wonderful Little Suitcase Company? 

Angela: As parents, we’ve observed and read about the increasing presence of digital technology in early childhood and its potential impacts. Having worked with children who had developmental delays and being a parent myself, this really concerned me. Our goal was to create a product made from sustainable and recycled materials that combined functional design with educational value.

Angela, how does your background in pediatric speech therapy influence your business?

Angela: In my twelve years as a pediatric speech therapist in Europe, I collaborated with occupational therapists and researched the essential benefits of playful learning in a child’s development. I used that experience to create a portable play set that keeps kids engaged and curious, while simultaneously supporting the development of their fine motor skills, speech development, problem-solving, attention span and more.


"When children play, they actively engage with the world around them, building the necessary social, emotional and physical skills that lay the foundation for lifelong learning."



In a growing digital age, why do you think it’s important for kids to still play with toys?

Angela: Play is a crucial part of a child’s development as during this, nerve cells stimulate the brain to make new connections and strengthen existing ones. When children play, they actively engage with the world around them, building the necessary social, emotional and physical skills that lay the foundation for lifelong learning. While children using digital devices is inevitable in the modern world, we believe our products help children to develop important skills like self-regulation, problem-solving, fine motor skills and more.

Martin: I find it fascinating to watch children play – they have so many imaginative ideas. As adults, we forget how important play is, especially during a time when we can stream entertainment at our disposal. 

What does showcasing your products through Uncovered mean to you?

Martin: We are so excited and grateful. Our toys aim to spark creativity, and what better venue to showcase them at than the cultural icon that is the Sydney Opera House. It’s a real honour to be acknowledged in this way. 

What is your favourite product in your Opera House collection?

Martin: It has to be our limited edition playmats that are hand-sewn, double-sided and made from recycled fibres. The material is spun in a way that makes it really soft and nice to play on for kids and comes in an ocean or car theme. 


Shop The Wonderful Little Suitcase Company collection

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